The bee whisperer
Beekeeping and especially bees are my great passion as they are the most important living creature on our planet. I apply various elements of electro-culture, use mandalas that strengthen the organism of bees and have developed special bee boxes that take into account the golden ratio and the platonic bodies. I would be happy to take you into this exciting world. You can book a workshop with me or support my work as a bee sponsor.
The bee sponsorship
Sponsors support the probably most important living creature on our planet. A sponsorship promotes biodiversity and supports the bees. With your contribution you support my philosophy and help to support biodiversity. As a bee sponsor you can participate in an exciting two-hour workshop and at the end of the season you will receive your own honey.

You want to learn more about the world of bees? Feel the energy of the bees? I would be happy to bring you closer to the world of bees in a personal workshop for you, your family or your company.

Since ancient times, bee products have fascinated man as a remedy and food. Through apitherapy, bee products are receiving more attention again and are finding their way back as a remedy.